What's new
- 2025.03.21
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- 2024.06.03
- 日本MBTI協会 公式Instagramユーザーネーム変更のお知らせ(japan_mbti)
Welcome to jppjapan.com
In Japan, which has yet to become widely familiar with psychological test standards, the JPP (Japan Psychologists Press) are a specialist in Psychometric psychology, who research and develop formal pyschometric assessments which can be taken online.
About the MBTI
The MBTI is an internationally recognised, standardised, personality test based on the type theories of Karl Jung and utilized in 45 countries worldwide. The MBTI differs from other personality tests in that diagnosis of character is not its purpose. Rather it is to act as a standpoint from where an individual can gain insight and utilize this self knowledge to recognize, act and achieve their potential.